
Friday, April 3, 2015

Amber Rose What You Experience Now About Wiz Khalifa Happened To Me Too: Jacqueline Wolper

We posted here Amber Rose wants Wiz Khalifa back claiming she can't live without him. Now Tanzanian top actress Jacqueline Wolper has come out to say what Amber Rose faces now happened to her too. Wolper who is a great fan of Amber Rose said....

"Thank you Amber, that thing happened to me too but now I'm happy with my life, you know it is better to be open to speak with your heart not to speak to other people's hearts who think they know how to lead someone else's life as if they gave birth to you, speak with your heart and go back to him(Wiz Khalifa) even if they talk bad things about you it is Ok, don't listen to friends' advice sometimes becomes bad and you don't know the degree of their love for you, friends can say ohh...don't do that, you are too beautiful....heart doesn't have beauty, stardom or money...heart is heart and other things are other things, these words are from deep inside my heart... happy 4 you Amber"

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