
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Interview: Mtunisy Talks About Jokate, JB, being Single, Re-uniting With Batuli, And Still Looking Great At His 40.

Recently Swahiliworldplanet hard an interview with popular Tanzanian actor and producer Mtunisy Nice Mohamed. In this interview Mtunisy talks about his acting career, his recent separation with his wife, being single, possibility of re-uniting with his ex-girlfriend actress Batuli Yobnesh Yusuph and working together in movies and more...

SWP What is your next film after Tugawane Maumivu which released recently?

MTUNISY: Kizungumkuti will be my new movie after Tugawane Maumivu.

SWP: You are at your early 40 but still looking great what is the secret considering many people of your age find it hard to maintain their good looks?

MTUNISY: Working out, excising and eating well, also I don't take an alcohol.

SWP: Some of your fans are eagerly waiting to see you and your ex-girlfriend Batuli together onscreen, So when will you act together in a movie?

MTUNISY: Inshallah, If God wishes one day you will see us together in a film.

SWP: Few weeks ago you hard a misunderstanding with your wife and she remanded you, so are you still with together or single right now?

MTUNISY: We are not together anymore because of that difficult things we had, so I'm now single.

SWP: So are you ready to get married again as you said you are now single?

MTUNISY: I need to stay alone now because i have been married for the last 8 years so let's wait and see may be I will.

SWP: Last year Batuli was quoted by the media saying it will never happen to love a man like the way she loved you, so don't you think this is the right time to re-unite with her considering you are now single?

MTUNISY: Haaa haaa haaaa ! this is a crazy question because she is some one in love now so it can’t be that and it was the past so now we are just friends only.

SWP: Which Tanzanian actor do you like his/her work most?

MTUNISY: Jacob Stephen(JB) at least I like his work.

SWP: .Which Tanzanian new actress you think is talented and you would like to work with her?

MTUNISY: Jokate (Mwegelo) I think is talented but she has not got good director yet, so I think If she gets good director like me she can show us how talented she is.

SWP: What are three things you can't live without them?

MTUNISY: Praying, Working out and Being close to my mother.

SWP: Anything you would like to tell your fans?

MTUNISY: Because of the difficult things happened to me recently, I mean after being in conflicts with my wife she destroyed my office and took everything because since long time she didn't like me to be an actor, so my fans have to wait for a sometime to watch my new movies because I want to open new production office now. But I thank God the case is over , So I need your prayers, I apologize for that as this year I wanted to start working internationally starting with, S.Africa, Ghana and Nigerian actors but it won't happen this year because of what happened.

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