Saturday, March 16, 2013


FILM: Waves of Sorrow
DIRECTOR: Vicent Kigosi(Ray)
CAST: Yobnesh Yussuph, Vicent Kigosi, Rose Ndauka,Slim Omar, Esha Buheti.
RATING: 2.5/5
Yobnesh Yusuph is experiencing hardships of life after the sudden death of her partner(Slim Omar), her father in-law(Mohamed Fungafunga) is not ready to help her since she  caused the death of his son(Slim Omar). She succeeds to get a job but her boss(Saimon Mwapagata) finally chases her away as she came to the work place with her little baby with no one to care about her. She fails to pay her rent so the landlord(Hidaya Njaidi) decides to auction her belongings. Rose Ndauka as her best friend decides to give her bus fair to go back and start new life in the village. But after few years she come back to start a new life in town after being chased by her uncle. She has nowhere to go but to her former  neighbor(Cathy Rupia) who helps her  to stay for some days. She finally gets a job as mama ntilie but her son is crashed by a Bajaj and dies. Rose takes her to live together though her husband(Ray) is not happy. Finally Yobnesh betrays Rose buy making love with Ray and infects him HIV as she was not faithful to her partner(Slim) and caused his death.

The film's story started in high point but it's climax made the film  look normal as many swahili movies are.  Make up artist did not do good job as she failed to transform Yobnesh from her three roles as a modern lady, village lady and again town lady she looked just the same. Some locations looked inappropriate, the kindergaten's school for Yobnesh's son looked little expensive contrary to her poor  income, the same hospital was used from the begining up to the end without considering Yobnesh's life transformation!. The film itself  suffers from miss-castings, Yobnesh's son didn't look like a three year old as shown, Esha Buheti didn't look like a housegirl.

Ray as a director of the film ended up giving poor performance. Even the talented Rose Ndauka looked very normal out of expectations, The scene where by Rose Ndauka and Yobnesh meet by surprise after few years with no meeting was not well directed. Even the scene Yobnesh's son is crashed by a Bajaj looked poor. The screenplay was normal, However, it is Cathy Rupia who impressed the film despite having a cameo role, she looked great . Yobnesh was  good in her role too, the actor in a comic character  looked great. Also Slim Omar was normal and the doctor was good too.
Go and get your original copy you might love the story and Yobnesh's character .

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