
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hamisa Mobetto And Lulu Throw Shades To Each Other Just Because of DJ Majay ?

It is known that lately Hamisa Mobetto and Lulu Elizabeth Michael aren't cooked in the same pot, the reason is said to be Lulu dating Dj Majey who used to be with Hamisa and together they have a child. And today both the two divas posted their own pics with captions some fans translated they threw shades to one another silently. Hamisa is the one who started....

Hamisa posted this photo of hers with the baove caption..
Then after an hour Lulu too posted her own photo below with this caption....
What do you think....?

1 comment:

  1. Nothing bad... Everyone was busy with her life there is no connection btn what they were intended to transmit
