Kenyan actress based in Germany Ashley Toto seems to have a bright future in her acting career. Speaking with SWP the actress said that next week she will fly to Denmark to start shooting the sequel of Moyo Wangu, a film which was shot and produced in Denmark by VAD Productions. Aparently the audiences liked the film so they want it's sequel and the makers have decided to produce Moyo Wangu 2 which will use Swahili language with English subtitles. Again another film producer and director in Denmark has shown great interest to work with Ashley and wants to cast her in his upcoming movie which will be English language film. Selembe Toko was in Moyo Wangu 1 and for it's sequel two new actors have been considered to join the film cast. Again, the producer has said that Swahiliwood famous actress Lucy Komba may join Moyo Wangu 2 cast. Lucy Komba from Tanzania is the female protagonist in "From Tanzania To Denmark" movie which will be launched on 8 June in Denmark and Ashley Toto is all set to grace the most awaited event too.
Ashley Toto on set
WAZI!!!go girl.stolz auf dich.