
Thursday, January 24, 2013


The first black president in the history of the United States of America has just officially started his second term, and while Barack Obama’s supporters still bask in the achievement of his presidency, it begs the question: Who would be the next black president? 2016 is right around the corner — so could there be a chance for another African American commander in chief? Here are 10 individuals that we could see taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.(
OPRAH WINFREY-She’s Oprah. She has the money for a spectacular campaign, she gives great advice, everyone already knows her and she has the kind of constituency support that the average D.C. politician would sell their mother for.
COREY BOOKER-He seems to be primed for an Obama-esque transition to Washington, D.C. He’s helped revitalized Newark, N.J., and his personal approach to addressing political issues has endeared him to people both in his home state and around the country. And he saved a family from a fire.
JAY-Z:Isn’t too far-fetched to envision President Shawn Carter? He grows more respectable by the day, he’s got friends in very high places, and his rags-to-riches story is as compelling as Abraham Lincoln’s.
VALERIE JARRETT-She’s the senior advisor to the president, and manages the White House Office of Public Engagement, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Urban Affairs, and Chairs the White House Council on Women and Girls, and White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic, and Youth Sport.
MAGIC JOHNSON-He’s battled for NBA championships, battled for HIV/AIDS awareness, and he’s one of the most successful entrepreneurs in America. The legendary athlete-turned-businessman could make an impressive commander-in-chief. And he’s 6’9, which couldn’t hurt while negotiating tough policy.
KEN CHENAULT,AMERICAN PRESS-CEO of American Express since 2001, Chenault was thought to be a possibly successor to current Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner. Ebony magazine has listed Chenault as a “living pioneer” and he has spearheaded several philanthropic endeavors.
JOHNNY DUPREE,1ST BLACK MAYOR OF HATTIESBURG,MISS-Not only is Dupree the 1st black Mayor, but he was mayor during the Hurricane Katrina disaster and helped guide his community through the crisis. Additionally, he’s helped local businesses in his town thrive while also initiating relationships with larger industries. All earmarks of good leadership.
RUSSELL SIMMONS,HIP-HOP MOGUL:He helped put an entire musical movement and culture on the global map, has started several successful businesses and has a reputation for philanthropy.
DEVAL PATRICK,MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR-He led the fight for marriage equality, is passionate about improving America’s schools and favors gun control. Add his passion for lowering health care costs and opposition to the death penalty and you have the Democratic party’s dream candidate.
KASIM REED,MAYOR OF ATLANTA-He’s running things in one of America’s fastest-growing and most minority-friendly cities. Prior to becoming mayor, he fought to remove the Confederate flag imagery from Georgia’s state flag. He’s also worked to distribute money to community centers and the police force.

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